Truly bad! I understand the need for developers to have people pay for their games, but irritating them with advertisements in the free or lite versions is not the way to do it.
This has the *worst* ad system that Ive seen. It takes over the entire screen and plays a full 30-second commercial. It is as if someone has crept into and taken over your iPad-- and that is truly creepy!
Plus, even if youve turned off the sound in the app, the advert comes on full blast!
I like buying full versions of apps, but not when the free version treats customers like idiots!
Youd be much better off having the lite version be good for, say, 5 games-- advert-free, after which youd have to buy the full. Or, make the full have extra, sought after features-- customization, more maps, more options, online play, etc.
But a full-screen advert-- and, for 30-seconds-- that harken back to the worst of the pop-up ads in browsers and is why ad blocking became such a big thing!
The game itself is pretty good, although the animated dice, coming and going, gets old real fast. It also covers up part of the map! It should be done the way it is in a real Risk game. The attacker rolls, we get to look at it, *then* the defender rolls.
However, there are worse problems. Repeatedly, when it is your turn to play, you are denied the ability to attack--and, then, today, suddenly, 2 of the countries in South America (I occupied all of them!) suddenly belong to one of the computer players!
Given the state of the world, it is no joke to casually include cards that "nuke" countries! That option should be eliminated.
Given the intrusive ads, obscuring dice, and odd AI behavior, Ive decided to delete this and return to that old standby--Lux Touch!
2 stars.